I help people create and foster relationships with their gardens and nature.
Find out more about me here!
Hi there!
I’m Lori - I love to explore gardens, plants, and everything in between and beyond.
Natural areas around me and elsewhere are also incredibly important to me, including how people and communities interact with nature, growing plants and food.
I am really excited to share with you all about how gardening, growing, and micro-urban homesteading can be an integral part of your life! Helping others and hearing their stories too is a priority!
As an adult, I have not always had my own garden space to use, or the opportunity, time, or motivation to grow things. But the pull to return to my…er…um… roots, has been hard to ignore.
I hope to share more of my stories in this blog, Inquisitive Gardener, and I welcome you to follow me, ask questions, share your own stories, and let’s see where this takes us as we grow together!!